


In today’s world where there is increased focus on mindfulness and holistic living, keeping a Buddha statue in your home can serve as a reminder of one’s spiritual aspirations. A statue of Buddha exudes peace and tranquillity, and you can experience a sense of calm and peace just by meditating on Buddha.

Vastu and Feng shui tenets suggest that by placing a statue of Buddha in prime locations in your home like garden buddha statues, you can usher in good ‘chi’ or positive energy and bring peace and harmony to your family.

A Buddha statue should never be disrespected, and for this reason you should never place it in your bedroom, bathroom or kitchen areas. Give the statue the importance it deserves, and do not clutter the surroundings with any items of less importance!

Together we can create your dream space

Our Ordering Process


You start by visiting our store in Bangalore for material and design selection. Our store @ Bangalore has over 3000+ designs to choose from or if you have any customization request we take care of that aswell.

Placing Order

Once you select your desired material and design, you will be making the payment for the same. Depending on the stock availability we might take upto 3 months for the delivery for non available stock. For the ones which we have stock, It will be delivered at your requested date & time.


Once all your material are ready as per your request we then do a fragile packing and ship it to your desired location. (Only if you opt for shipping while placing the order)


If you have a customization request ie; any custom design to be done on the material, We will get the custom designing done from our Graphic designer and the final product will be ready.


Application of the material is totally on you. As we are only the manufacturer. We can only provide you with the material. Application is your lookout. Once you have the material in hand you are ready to apply it onto your new home/office.

Places to keep Buddha Statue

Near the Entrance
Placement 60%
In the Living Room
Placement 90%
In the Garden
Placement 40%
In the Prayer Room
Placement 100%
In the Study
Placement 30%
In the Terrace Garden
Placement 50%
